How do I claim my business?

Claiming your business on HealingRadiusPro is free and easy! Click on Claim Your Business in the top right-hand corner, then select whether you represent a wellness center or work as an independent therapist. Enter your business name and location, and if your business does not appear automatically, you will be able to enter the information yourself. The next steps will be to enter contact information and verify your ownership through credit card or manual verification. Once that is completed, your business will be listed successfully!

Claim your wellness business - HealingRadiusPro

Please follow these three steps to claim your business on HealingRadiusPro:

  • Search Business / Add Business: Search for your business in the list provided
  • Enter Your Contact Info: Enter your contact information
  • Verify Your Ownership: Choose from one of two methods to verify your business: Credit Card or Manual Verification

When you click Claim Your Business you will be directed to the page below:

Search and Add your business - HealingRadiusPro

You need to enter the Location as well as the Business Name in the respective boxes.

Enter the Location as well as the Business Name - HealingRadiusPro

When you enter the location and the business name, you will be asked to confirm whether it is a wellness center or you are an independent therapist.

Since, the given business name is a Wellness Center, the same is selected.

If you wish to know the difference between the wellness center and an independent therapist, you can find out by clicking What’s the difference?

Click Continue to proceed.

You will be directed to the page below:

Search and Add your wellness business centers contact info - HealingRadiusPro

You'll then be asked to provide your email address, first name, last name, and phone number. Click Continue and you’ll be directed to the next page, Verify Your Ownership.

Verify your wellness business ownership - HealingRadiusPro

This step is very important. Wellness center owners can verify their business ownership by selecting either Verify by Credit Card or Manual Verification on the left-hand side.

After your credit card details have been entered, your business ownership will be verified. If you choose not to use that option, you can select manual verification, but keep in mind that it is mandatory to complete the verification process to claim a business. So, choose an option.

Verify your wellness business ownership by credit card - HealingRadiusPro

If you select Verify by Credit Card, the page below will be displayed:

Verify your wellness business ownership by credit card - HealingRadiusPro

Please enter Name on Card, Card Number, Expiry Month, Year, and CVV

After entering all details, click Verify

You will receive a congratulatory message instantly.

If your billing address is not the same as your business address, this screen will appear with the option to fill out your correct billing address:

Verify your wellness business ownership by entering credit card details - HealingRadiusPro

Click Verify.

After verification, you will be directed to the Dashboard.

If you have selected Manual Verification, you will be directed to the screen below:

Verify your wellness business ownership by manual - Message box Verify your wellness business ownership by manual - HealingRadiusPro

Here, you can type a message in regard to your ownership, or attach supporting documents (less than 10 MB) so we can get your business verified as quickly as possible.

Verify your wellness business ownership - Attach files

Type the characters shown in the box, then click Submit.

Verify your wellness business ownership - Enter the Captcha

Your request will be processed so that you can continue.

By following these steps, you are on your way to having a claimed business on HealingRadiusPro, where you can upgrade your business details, attract more customers, and manage your daily tasks in one location.